Dr,Sheikh Latif
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About Djinn
Djinn are said to be creatures with free will, made from smokeless fire by God (Arabic: Allah) as humans were made of clay, among other thing
According to the Quran, jinn have free will, and Iblīs abused this freedom in front of God by refusing to bow to Adam when God ordered angels and jinn to do so. For disobeying God, Iblīs was expelled from Paradise and called "Shaytān" (Satan).
Jinn are frequently mentioned in the Quran: Surah 72 (named Sūrat al-Jinn) is named after the jinn, and has a passage about them. Another surah (Sūrat al-Nās) mentions jinn in the last verse. The Quran also mentions that Muhammad was sent as a prophet to both "humanity and the jinn", and that prophets and messengers were sent to both communities.
What Can A Djinn Do For You
Majority of the individuals that have asked me to help them obtain a Djinn / Jinn, have wanted it for things such as:-, * thus some times results may vary person to person.
Business Problem
Get fame and power
Psychic abilities
Love & Relationship Problems
Protection from dark spells and in some cases from other djinns. E.T.C
There are millions of Djinn/Jinn waiting to be called upon so they can serve and be your life changing Djinn. We will only call upon a suitable Djinn/Jinn that will fix your problem and obey your commends. * Results may vary person to person.
To choose your Djinn/ Jinn: Close your eyes. Take a deep breath. Exhale slowly. Clear the mind.
Ask to be guided to the djinn spirit that will be the right match for you. Scroll through my selection slowly. When you feel a pull, that is the right djinn for you.
Djinn Of Love And Light For Relationship
I am happy to introduce a rare type of djinn to you.These djinn are from a realm known as the "Djinn of the heart". Few conjurers are skilled enough to reach this hidden dimension where djinn frolick in pure happiness and worry free bliss. These djinn are known for bringing true happiness to every life they touch. They are of pure and positive nature and perfect for the beginner or advanced collector. They are easy to bond with and to care for, requiring nothing more than the opportunity to make you happy. They are especially great for those of you who wish to find your soul mate. They also strengthen and add excitement to existing relationships.
Abilities include making you and everything around you beautiful. You will notice within a short time of owning this ring that many of the things you have considered unsightly will soon begin to change. Your face, hair and body will transform into God or Goddess beauty. You will draw the attention of everyone when you walk into a room as you will have an alluring glowing quality about you.
These djinn are extremely giving. They will draw forth money and luxury so that you may enjoy the finer things in life.
They correct mistakes of the past.
They foresee future events and stop negative outcomes.
They bestow their keepers with advanced psychic abilities which allows a stronger connection with all spirits.
They grant wishes above and beyond your basic requests.
They surround you with positive energies while dispelling dark energies.
They provide protection, healing and guidance.
What Is A Djinn?
Jinn (Arabic: الجن, al-jinn), also romanized as djinn or anglicized as genies (with the more broad meaning of demons), are supernatural creatures in early Arabian and later Islamic mythology and theology. An individual member of the jinn is known as a jinni, djinni, or genie (الجني, al-jinnī).
Jinns (also spelled djinns) or genies are supernatural creatures that can shape-shift and provide humans with what seems like magical abilities. They also can take form as another living person or animal such as dogs and camels.
Each and everything we do is Islamic. Every ritual we give is Qurán/ islamic. All our items are written
in Arabic texts. we do not use magic squares, no numbers.ONLY Qurán
According to Islam, every human is born with a Djinn/Jinn/Jinni. This Jinn causes the person to do bad and sin. This Jinn that human is born with is called Qareen/ Hamzad (Qareen is the Arabic word and Hamzad is the urdu/Indian word for such Jinns). Now Qareen/Hamzad can be captured. In other words, they can be made your servant.
What can a hamzad do if captured and made in to your servant?
They can give you information on any person in the world. Every human has a hamzad, so once we capture our hamzad, we have the ability to send it to another person’s hamzad and get information on that person. We have a Qareen from the day we are born, so they know every detail about us.
They can cure illness.
Find lost and stolen things.
Influence another person’s Hamzad to get that person to do anything you want.
Let you know who is coming to see you, before they come
They would be classified in the flying djinn category. They dwell near lakes and small bodies of water. Their conjuration consists of being next to a lake or a small body of natural water, since that is where they dwell. They are beautiful creatures and are females.
Marid djinn represent water. They are the wisest and oldest of the Djinn. Excellent for all metaphysical & spiritual desires such as psychic ability, mediumship, astrotravel, communicating with spirits, telepathy, etc. The Marid will also grant extreme wealth, help in business and prosperity and matters of finance as they are ideal for abundance of any type. * Sometimes results may vary person to person.
FAIRY, what can they do for us ?
If one manages to conjure one, the fairy/fae is very loyal.
They can prevent hexes; help with luck and general things. But one must remember, they should never marry or have any sexual relationship with a fairy, because if you do, then you can forget about ever, ever having a human companion. * Sometimes results may vary person to person.

The Law requires that I must state that all paranormal / metaphysical items are for entertainment purposes only & You must be 18 years of age or older to buy. Please note that you are purchasing a metaphysical item. There is no guarantee of specific time frames and results; both will vary from individual to individual. In other words, results between individuals will vary, and no two people will have the exact same results or experiences.